woman posing with hair wrapped from shoulder up

Get The Scoop!

Décolletage, “the scoop” —

Looking to prevent or treat a leathery appearing chest? Read here…

So maybe you yourself have, or maybe you know somebody who has the telltale sign of aging on the chest…you know: age spots, sun spots, red blotchy patches, and a crinkled appearance to the skin on the chest extending down into the cleavage, the so-called “décolletage.” Well, if this has become an area your are beginning to notice more, especially when you are wearing more summery attire or dresses and lower cut shirts, you are not alone. I am treating this routinely for women who come in seeking rejuvenation to this area. I am able to accomplish this very simply with laser treatments and careful assessment of the topical regimens that are being used. I am using the Fraxel dual laser for resurfacing of the crepiness and discoloration and brown spots, I use the Ulthera to tighten lax skin and also firm crepiness, and I use Pulse Dye Lasers to assist in reversing damage to blood vessels and eliminate red blotchy patches if they are present. For some patients I am able to use a combination of these laser treatments when all 3 are necessary, and the results are phenomenal.

Tips: Key to prevention is Sunscreen and minimizing sun exposure to these areas. Using a topical retinoid can help with the appearance and help prevent signs of aging. Keeping the skin hydrated with a delicate moisturizer will also help plump up skin cells and create a smoother firmer look to the skin.



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