
CAN IPL HELP ME PREP FOR SUMMER? Let’s reverse sun damage and get clearer skin!

Emergency help for my sun damage!

With the summer coming around in a few short months you may be wondering what treatments you can do to reverse sun damage for quick and effective results.  Most patients are great candidates for IPL photofacials and IPL body treatments. The IPL works so well because it has a quick recovery period and terrific results that will be long lasting with good skincare.

Watch video of Dr. Papantoniou peforming an IPL treatment here!

Newer IPL Technology!

Discolored and damaged skin from the sun responds with amazing results when using the IPL. The IPL technology has improved so much over the past decade, with newer devices offering better results and lower side effects. With a gentle protective cooling tip, the newer IPL devices such as our Rohrer Aesthetics Spectrum laser will work with the best and safest technology to brighten skin and erase signs of aging and premature sun damage.

How does IPL work?

The wavelengths delivered to the skin selectively treat darker brown areas and also red broken capillaries, this allows us to clear the mixed appearance of sun damage that often occurs.  The number of treatments is generally 3 sessions, spaced 2-4 weeks apart for best results.

Repeat + Maintain = Happy Skin 

The best results will come long term with getting a maintenance treatment with the IPL 1-2 times per year.  The best time to have a treatment is before the spring and summer to reverse signs of damage from the winter vacations you took, and again to have another IPL in the early Fall, after the summer has taken its toll on your skin. Doing this twice per year will keep your skin in the best shape and is better than just getting IPL done when you have a lot of cumulative damage.  Maintenance with a high quality Vitamin C serum such as SkinCeuticals and a zinc based sunscreen such as EltaMD will provide safe and gentle coverage.

IPL Treatment Neck Region Before and After

2 Sessions with IPL for Sundamage, Discoloration.

IPL Treatment Man Face Before and After

3 Sessions with the IPL for Vascular.

Book an appointment with Simply Dermatology

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